At this point, there are not too many of them left in Peace River. In fact, this morning there were only Rich and Donna, Bruce and Gena, Rich and Dee and I think maybe Faye and Ken. Although, maybe not Faye and Ken because surely Nathan would have snapped pictures of them also!

I don't think we got pictures of Jim and Jane either. This is their last winter here, after touring the US for eight years I believe. They are a great example of the wonderful people I'm talking about. As I hugged them goodbye, I was struck by how sad I felt at the thought of not seeing them next winter. I felt sad that Rich and Donna are staying in Florida and not heading out like most of us are, so I won't see them until next winter. I was excited to hear that so many others are staying east and we will see many of them in Chesapeake.
I really do adore so many of these people and am so glad that I did get out to play pickleball more this year so I could get to know them better!
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