When we landed in Florida last year, I had a family member that kept asking me if we were going to put up for awhile. Although I'm not familiar with the phrase "put up", I took it that it meant to stay put somewhere rather than moving around every two to three weeks. I could only say I have no idea at the time. Because we didn't know what was going to happen.
We did end up sitting in one place for what seemed to us a very long time. Seven months to be exact. To say I got restless is a huge understatement. The only other time I've felt that restless is when we lived in VA years ago. Nathan was concerned that I might get restless here because it is kind of remote, like where we lived in VA was. I had the teensiest concern that I might start to feel restless if we stayed in one place when we long to travel so much. I'm happy to say, neither has been an issue. At all.

I think neither is an issue because we love it here. We love it like we have no other place we've been to in fact. And I'm not sure why, when it is pretty remote. There isn't tons in the way of entertainment or places to shop.

I miss having grocery stores to select from. I miss having a bit faster internet than we get sometimes here.

Other than that, I have no complaints so far. We are very content to just be here. I'm going to try to remember to take my camera with me when we go out and about, since we are here longer than we are normally at a place. It will be fun to share more in depth things about this place than I usually can.
Living the island life in NC!
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