I've been busy getting ready for the first spring craft show (Cottontails), so haven't been out and about much. But I can't believe I forgot to post these pictures from a couple of weeks ago:

You may have to enlarge the picture to see it, but this is actual snow.

It only stuck this much, though.

People in the north probably have no conception of this, but around here, whenever snow is mentioned, you have to also discuss whether or not it will stick. (It usually doesn't.)
In other terribly exciting weather news, it has been raining.

Recent view...

which is better than this...

but still not back to this... which is what we used to call "normal".
We didn't have nearly the number of winter Hooded Merganser visitors that we are used to. But lately there have been quite a few Wood Ducks hanging around. (They're extremely camera-shy though.)
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