We were able to spend some time gabbing with another FOTR that we just met. I first read about Greg on Rich and Donna's blog Florida Picklers, and asked Nathan who Greg was because I suspected they might be another FOTR. In typical male fashion, he didn't know.
As soon as I met Greg, I asked if he was the homeschooling dad and it was him. He has been down at the pickleball courts with us for the past week so I had some time to get to know him a bit. I met Cheryl and their three children Shayna, Josiah and JJ the next day and had lots of fun getting to know Cheryl.
Sadly, they headed out today so we will probably not see them for some time. You can read about their journey here: The Kalers

The moon had a beautiful ring around it and apparently it was a blue moon also. It was nice to have that special touch from nature to watch over us as we were spending time celebrating an event of something new.

Wishing our friends and family a Happy New Year!

May bring as much peace and joy to our lives as this past year has.

Living the life in Florida!
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