Forth Smith, OK

Take Route 66 to Tulsa

Tulsa has alot of parks. This one featured a 4 tiered Rose Garden.

View under bridge on walk along the River

Oklahoma City and the Memorial.
A portion of the wall remains.

At each end of the reflecting pool is a wall,
one with the time of the start of the explosion
and the other with the end

Chairs are arranged in rowsfor each floor where victims died . They are different sizes according to whether the person was a child, man or woman.

Names are etched in the clear base which are lit at night.

"We come here to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever. May those who leave here know the impact of violence. May this Memorial offer comort, strength, peace, hope and serenity."

Outside the Memorial is a fence where people have left pictures and Momentos.

I can't begin to explain how viewing this Memorial in person makes one feel. The reality of seeing it and realizing that these were just everyday people like you and me living their life, going through the normal day to day things we all go through and their lives, hopes and dreams snuffed out in minutes by a madman. There by the grace of God . . .
It saddened me even more to think that 9 years after 911 there is still no Memorial in place. The Oklahoma Memorial was done within 2 years, I believe, andis a beautiful tribute to the victims.
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