Abigal [sic], in dwelling 576, is listed as age 50 and born in Ohio. In her household are Joseph Joslin, age 25, born in Ohio and Lucicia Joslin, age 17, born in Indiana.
Joseph Joslin is also enumerated in the household of Price Goodrich (dwelling 577, page 80). In this census entry Joseph is 26 years old, born in Ohio.

In Dwelling 580 we find the household of Lysander P. Joslin. He is a 35 year old farmer with a personal estate valued at $475 and born in Ohio. Unless I missed some records, Lysander still owned the land he purchased from his father in 1841 and from Edwin in 1851 and Joseph in 1853. I have the record from when he sold the land to Nicodemas Coleman in October 1866. So why didn't Lysander have a valuation listed for his real estate? Note that Knickademus Coleman, a 22 year old Master Wagon Maker resides in the household listed before Abigail. Not that it makes any difference but I thought it was interesting ;-)
Listed in the household with Lysander were his wife, 34 year old Lydia, who was born in Ohio; John G. Conner, a 21 year old laborer who was born in Germany; and seven children, all born in Indiana: Analiza, 15; Melissa M., 11; Luther, 8; Roxey, 6; John, 4; Minerva, 1; and a male Infant, 2 months old [this would be Andrew who was born on May 30th].

Notably absent in 1860 is Abigail's husband, James Joslin. We do not know if he died between 1850-1860 or if he simply went somewhere else. The cemeteries were read by members of the Genealogical Society of Whitley County between 1996 and .. and there is no marker for James. There were several earlier cemetery publications and no entry was found for James in those books either. A check of the estate and probate packets turned up nothing for James. Mary Lucicia was only 17 in 1860 but there is no guardianship record for her. There would be no death record for James since the county did not begin recording deaths until about 1882. Various and numerous searches for James (he was born about 1796 in Canada or Vermont) have been done in the 1860 census index for 'all' states and have been for naught. James is not residing with any of his other (presumed) children.
- Fanny, with her husband, Joseph Shoemaker and seven children, are living in Fremont Township, Page County, Iowa (page 968).
- Edwin (found as Edwn Josslyn) is living in the Town of Hanna , Henry County, Illinois (page 952) with his wife Sarah and three children.
- Emily and her husband, John Long, and son Edwin, are living a few miles north of Abigail and Lysander in Washington Township , Noble County, Indiana (page 9).
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